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Two key announcements from the European Commission on Wednesday signal progress in strengthening Europe’s business environment. The Clean Industrial Deal acknowledges the urgent need to lower energy costs, accelerate permitting, increase demand for low-carbon and circular products, and strengthen global engagement. But nine months after the European Elections, "we urgently need swifter, more impactful action to avoid these challenges becoming the new reality for businesses," our DG Markus J. Beyrer commented. 
The 1st EU Omnibus is a milestone in reducing unnecessary reporting and regulatory burdens, helping companies contribute more effectively to the EU’s sustainability goals while preserving competitiveness. However, while the direction is right, delivery will be crucial. Challenges remain – for example, a harmonised approach to Due Diligence is key to avoid fragmentation. All co-legislators must be willing to play their part in addressing these issues. We will continue engaging with policymakers to turn ambition into concrete solutions.

Read our reactions: Clean Industrial Deal | Omnibus


BusinessEurope joined forces with five other EU business associations, DigitalEurope, Eurochambres, EuroCommerce, European Round Table for Industry and SMEunited, to call for a Single Market Strategy that delivers real progress focusing on removing concrete barriers for businesses – backed by clear roadmaps and timeframes. The EU and Member States need to intensify their efforts, dedicate adequate resources, and prioritise enforcement and strengthening of the Single Market. Alarmingly, 60% of the barriers in services from 20 years ago still hamper companies today. The upcoming horizontal Strategy is a unique opportunity to address persistent challenges, reaffirming the EU institutions’ commitment competitiveness and bringing Member States together in this endeavour. Discover our six recommendations for a stronger Single Market.


BusinessEurope today issued an urgent call to comprehensively reduce the growing regulatory burden on companies operating in the EU. "With over 60% of companies citing regulation as a barrier to investment", said Markus J. Beyrer, "businesses operating in Europe urgently need a bold signal that the EU is serious about cutting unnecessary red tape." We welcome the EU institutions’ renewed focus on competitiveness and the reduction of regulatory burdens, and in particular support the "Omnibus" approach to streamlining EU legislation on reporting requirements, due to be presented in February. We are optimistic that this will pave the way for a series of similar, impactful measures. However, the regulatory challenges facing EU businesses extend far beyond reporting obligations. This is why we are calling for an overall EU regulatory burden reduction target, with a dedicated programme and clear deadlines, and outline 68 concrete actions that should be taken this year.


Today, we unveil our business priorities for the next EU cycle: "Reboot Europe: Europe’s economic success – everyone’s business". This will be the focus of our event this evening in the European Parliament, which will bring together MEPs and the leadership of our member federations. "Europe’s economy is falling behind", said our President Fredrik Persson. "EU’s economic stagnation threatens our ability to achieve the vital green, digital, social and security transitions. We are calling for a reboot of European policies in this new EU cycle to address the structural weaknesses that are undermining our companies’ efforts to deliver for society. EU leaders have acknowledged that Europe’s prosperity is under threat and have committed to making competitiveness the top priority for the next five years. Now is the time for action. Today, we propose concrete actions for the EU to take during the first 100 days and beyond. These include cutting red tape, reducing energy costs, diversifying export and import markets, boosting the digital economy and fostering innovation.” Read more - Photos


Poland took over the Presidency of the EU Council at a critical moment for the European Union. In this context, the Council of Presidents of BusinessEurope gathered in Warsaw to define the business priorities for the Polish EU Presidency and adopted the Warsaw Declaration. "A strong and competitive economy is the foundation for Europe’s security", said BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson. "To continue being an anchor of peace, prosperity, and stability, Europe must act decisively to strengthen its economy and close the widening competitiveness gap towards our major competitors. We are looking forward to collaborating constructively with the Polish EU Presidency that begins alongside the new European Commission’s term, presenting a vital opportunity to reboot EU policies and drive investment and growth. - Read more in our Warsaw declaration



BusinessEurope completed a timely mission to China to discuss with key stakeholders the way forward for the EU-China relations. Our delegation, including Director General Markus J. Beyrer and Deputy DG Luisa Santos, engaged with high-level Chinese officials from the Ministry of Commerce (Mofcom) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). BusinessEurope also held its annual dialogue with the Chinese Centre for International Economic Exchanges and met with the EU Delegation, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and BDI. During these talks, the BusinessEurope delegation emphasised that China will remain a vital trade and investment partner for the EU, but that the growing imbalances in the bilateral economic relationship must be addressed. The EU uses trade defence tools in a WTO-compliant way considering the overall EU interests when adopting the measures – China should acknowledge this approach and follow a similar one. Read our full paper on EU-China relations.


Presidents and Directors General of BusinessEurope’s member federations gathered in Warsaw today at the invitation of our Polish member Lewiatan, where they discussed economic priorities with Polish leaders. The Polish EU Presidency, beginning alongside the new European Commission’s term, presents a vital opportunity to reboot EU policies and drive investment and growth. Presenting our Warsaw Declaration outlining business priorities, President Fredrik Persson emphasised: "To remain an anchor of peace, prosperity, and stability, Europe must act decisively to strengthen its economy and close the widening competitiveness gap with major global players. Security will be the central theme of the incoming presidency, and today we underline that a strong and competitive economy is the foundation for Europe’s security.” - Read more

Press releases
EU businesses’ take on Clean Industrial Deal and 1st EU Omnibus
Position papers
Bridging the gaps: Joint business statement on the upcoming Single Market Strategy
Reports and studies
68 targeted actions proposed to reduce regulatory burden
Reports and studies
Europe needs an urgent reboot to restore its competitiveness
Position papers
Key business priorities for the Polish EU Presidency
BusinessEurope in Beijing: The way forward for the EU-China relationship
Press releases
Business message to the EU Polish Presidency

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Staying on target for climate neutrality is a key challenge in changing political and economic frameworks. The aim is clear: no more fossil fuels! Becoming the first climate neutral continent will offer Europe a key competitive advantage and increase our resilience in all sectors. In 2025, the...

More than 60% of EU companies cite disproportionate and complex regulation as an obstacle to investment, with 55% of SMEs identifying regulatory obstacles and administrative burdens as their biggest challenge. Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi highlighted the...

The landscape of EU-China relations has undergone significant changes in recent years.

BusinesssEurope is organising an event on EU-China relations following the release of its paper late...

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A stronger Europe in the world - FEB’s priorities for Europe’s 2024-2029 legislative session

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